Condair is passionate about promoting best practise in humidity control and evaporative cooling. On this page you will find a selection of informative articles providing expert advice on issues such as how to increase productivity in industrial manufacturing, how to select the correct humidifier for a certain application and how to install it or service it.
Our team contains some of the foremost humidification experts in the world. If you have a problem with dry air, think that humidity could be affecting your production processes or just a question about a humidifier, please contact us. We can help you achieve your environmental control objectives.
The specification of humidification
Dave Bull details the important questions to consider when specifying humidifiers.
Direct and indirect evaporative cooling strategies
Dave Marshall-George looks at the different evaporative cooling strategies for AHUs.
Dehumidifier specification - how to size and select a dehumidifier
The key things to consider when specifying dehumidifiers or designing a dehumidification project.
The energy of humidification
Dave Marshall-George explains how much energy commercial humidifiers need and what are the options for those buildings that need to minimise energy use.
Desiccant vs condensing dehumidifiers
Dave Marshall-George, Sales Director at Condair, compares dehumidifier technologies and gives an overview on best practise dehumidifier selection.
A cool recovery with humidifiers
Recovering thermal energy for cooling in the summer offers huge potential. This article explains how it works and why you should be doing it.
Evaporative cooling
Tim Scott describes how cold water humidifiers are used to provide low energy, low cost cooling.
Humidifiers de-mystified for the AC contractor
David Gates gives an overview of the main options used by the AC contractor.
Dehumidification – a hot topic
Dave Marshall-George explains the heat management aspects of a dehumidifier project.
The economy of gas
David Marshall-George examines the benefits of using gas-fired humidifiers.
Reducing the cost of humidification
David Marshall-George discusses how to reduce the cost of humidification.
Electrode vs resistive steam humidifiers
Dave Marshall-George compares electrode & resistive humidifiers.
Health-related humidity advice
Return to work: how to manage a healthy humidity
Dave Marshall-George looks at how businesses can adhere to guidance on indoor humidity levels in a post lockdown, COVID world.
Consider your humidity when increasing your ventilation
Tony Fleming explains how increasing ventilation in heated buildings without humidifying may be protecting us in one way but harming us in another.
Making buildings healthier
Dave Marshall-George examines the potential for improving public health through humidification and other HVAC strategies.
Indoor humidity
David Marshall-George examines the importance of humidity control in our lives for health, productivity and success.
Humidity and healthcare
Dave Marshall-George examines the implications for hospitals of a recently published study on humidity and infleunza infection
Humidification for health – is it worth the energy?
Tim Scott weighs the benefits to health of humidity control vs the energy required to maintain it.
Preparing humidifiers for the winter season
Tony Tullett, Service Manager at Condair Ltd looks at the importance of preparing humidifiers for the winter months.
Installing humidifiers - a contractor's guide
Neal Hiscock, Application Manager at Condair plc, looks at the important issues contractors ought to consider when installing a humidification system.
Importance of expert commissioning
Tony Tullett, Service Manager at Condair plc, explain the importance of using specialists when undertaking final commissioning of a humidifier.
Legionnaires' disease - what you need to know
Tim Scott, Head of Sales at Condair plc, presents the facts about Legionnaires' disease in relation to the use of humidification systems.
How to install a steam humidifier
Tony Tullett, Service Director at Condair, provides some best practise guidance on humidifier installation.
Dehumidifiers - A Contractors' Guide
Dave Marshall-George looks at what a HVAC contractor should know to successfully deliver a dehumidifier project.